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Neymar Von Haus Bogatic

call name: mars

Dog Grass Update 03052021.JPG

Hips: A normal
Elbows: Normal
DM: Carrier
MDR1: Clear
200+ Genetic Diseases Tested Clear 
Titles: IPO1, BH
Registration: Sv, AKC
DOB: June 22, 2016

Mars is a proven European imported WGSL stud with a beautiful deep red and black coat and a distinguished black mask that a lot of his puppies end up having. He is DNA tested through the AKC and has a full Embark DNA testing done. He produces confident, level-minded, smart, stable, and stunning puppies. Mars has a great structure, beautiful gait, and weighs around 85 pounds. He has a mild drive and absolutely loves to go swimming! Mars is confident, self-assured, playful, and loves to give kisses! He is very protective of our family and loves being around our kids.

Grandson of VA1 Ser, V4 China Sieger Onur Vom Haus Bifo IPO2

Great Grandson of VA9 2X VA1 (CN) Furbo Degli Achei SCHH3, IPO2

Mars has 8 VA’s and 7 V’s in his 4 Generation Pedigree.

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