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Tea Brabus

Call name: Tea

Sire: V1/SG1 BSZE '23 Marcelito Vom Pavhaus, IGP3, BH, KKL  - Dam: Mercedes Brabus, KKL


Hips: 'B' normal
Elbows: Normal
Show Ratings: VV2

DM: Clear
MDR1: Clear
250+ Genetic Diseases Test: Clear
Registration: FCI, AKC 


Tea is a beautiful solid black long coat female that we imported from Europe! She is such a happy-go-lucky girl that always has a smile on her face. She is always up for an adventure and is very curious! Tea is super outgoing and friendly to anyone and everyone! She is great around other dogs, strangers, and our children. Tea is a normal sized female, around 65 pounds. She is an amazing momma and very nuturing!

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